Marconigrams – October 17th, 1902

October 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 17 October 1902


The American coal strike was settled on Thursday.

In this week’s issue “An Old Butty Man” returns to his duties.

A coronation tree has been planted at Wath by Mr H. Kelley.

The Old Mexborough quarry is been transformed into a desirable building plot.

Tracheotomy has been performed on a patient in the Mexborough hospital this week.

The question of providing a site for a New Free Library in Mexborough is not yet settled.

It is stated that a petroleum spring has been discovered at Manvers Main Colliery.

There is absolutely no prospect of a settlement at the Denaby and Cadeby strike at present.

The Doncaster and Mexborough Billiard League season was opened on Thursday in last week.

Some keen and close games have been played lately at the Mexborough and District Chess Club.

The affairs of the old Wombwell Football club have been found to be in a very unsatisfactory condition.

This at St George’s Church, Mexborough, the electric light has trialled on two consecutive Sunday evenings.

Mr H Waddington, auctioneer Mexborough will conduct a very important sale at Kilnhurst next Thursday.

There was only one case of the Doncaster West, Riding Police Division at the Wakefield sessions this week, and that was the Hickleton checkweigh fund case.

What has been become to be known as the Kilnhurst “split” over the question of providing a Mechanics Institute appears to be widening.

The Bolton School Board election, polling in which took place yesterday was carried on in a half-hearted manner, as if you believe that the Education Bill will be passed and school boards abolished.

A novel excuse was put forward on behalf of a user was charged at Doncaster West Riding Police Court with betting at Goldthorpe. His solicitor said he was only a lad, and had been unable to get work.

Many complaints are to hand at a very indecent language used by footballers on Mexborough “Pleasure” Ground.

A well-known Conisborough resident sailed in the American liner “Noordland” on Wednesday for Philadelphia.

Owing to the slackness of trade a number of shop assistants in Mexborough have been asked to find employment elsewhere.

The big pike caught by Mr Fred Law, of Church St, Mexborough, last week has been sent to London to be stuffed.

Over 3000 men and boys and strike at Denaby and Cadeby Main, and 3000 locked out at Thrybergh Hall.

This is the third week of the stoppage at Messrs P Waddington and Sons’s glassworks, Mexborough. Over 300 people are affected.

Astronomy is not a census is extensively studied in Mexborough, but several inhabitants of this week sought and found Perome’s, comet.

The Wombwell Chess Club, at a general meeting on Tuesday, decided to obtain a silver night at the trophy for the winner of the club tournament.

This is the 16th week of the strike at Denaby and Cadeby Collieries, on the seventh of the stoppage at Thrybergh Hall and Warren Vale Collieries.

The Bolton Urban District Council decided to accept the terms of the Wath Joint Hospital Board for the treatment of infectious patients from their district.

The limitation of the supply electric current for street lighting in Mexborough is due to an accident at the works which is all will soon be permanently remedied.

After hearing Sir William Holland’s speech at Swinton on Tuesday evening, one enthusiastic supporter said Mr William ought to be known to them as Education “Bill.”

The gross value of the estate of the late Mr J Grayson Lowood, of Swinton Hall, have been proved at £14,456 7s 10d and the net value of the personal estate at £12,268 10s 3d.

Sir William Holland, MP, told a good story at Swinton on Tuesday about a South Sea Islander who claimed that he had British blood in his veins as a grandfather had helped to eat Captain Cook.

Mr WH Chambers, the managing director of Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries, as this he returned home from a holiday in the south. He has had the misfortune to strain his foot whilst playing lawn tennis.

As will be seen by our advertisement column, a highly important sale of farming will be conducted by Mr George Elliott, auctioneer, and Mr Thomas Hattersley’s, Holywell farm, Swinton on Thursday, October 30.

There should be a splendid gathering at the Montagu Hotel, Mexborough, on Tuesday next, when the “Whitworth Cup” will be presented by Mr J. H. Kelly, Wath to the Mitchell Main cricket team.