Marconigrams – October 24th, 1902

July 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 24 October 1902


The Mexborough School Board contemplate installing electric light in the schools.

Harvest operations were carried on last Sunday in many parishes in Yorkshire.

The Mexborough poor rate for the current half-year has been fixed at two shillings in the pound.

The Nonconformist of Goldthorpe on Monday night protested against the Education Bill.

The Goldthorpe candidates at the Bolton School Board election swept the deck, only to Bolton candidates been elected out of a membership of seven.

Mr P.J.Bradley, as usual, editor Paul at the Bolton School Board election on Thursday last. He had 45 “plumpers” of seven votes each, making 315 votes out of a total of 442 recorded for him.

The Reverend Jesse Wilson, of Mexborough, was formerly a member of the Chesterfield School Board.

Increase of salaries in the case of five teachers were sanctioned by the Swinton School Board on Tuesday.

The excellent attendance at the Mexborough schools was maintained last month, the percentage being 92.6.

The band contest, which was announced to be held at Swinton tomorrow (Saturday), will take place at Barnsley.

Lieutenant F.J.O. Montagu, the Lord of the Manor of Mexborough, is at present at Aldershot with his regiment.

Much competition is likely to take place for the king challenge cup at the forthcoming chrysanthemum Show at Mexborough.

Over £1500 been contributed to the Wombwell A traffic Fund, of which £1430 had been expended in benefits for 40 adults and 93 children.

The pupils attended the dressmaking classes at jumper been stung by boys. This is a case in which “basteing” should be resorted to.

The contractors work in connection with the new sewerage works and seal disposal scheme for Denaby and Conisborough has been commenced.

There is a strong desire among local cricketers that the Mexborough district should be represented in the Yorkshire County Cricket Club Committee.

According to recent Census taken by Mr H O’Neill, the attendance Officer, there are 2751 children of school age in the Mexborough School Board District.

The claim by a massed band of the “Dead March” in Saul on Sunday afternoon, at the funeral of the late of Beverley, at Mexborough was most impressive.

Some of the members of the Mexborough Urban Council think that is still heavier rate than 2/8 in the pound should be laid in order to meet increased liabilities.

This is the 17th week of the strike at Denaby and Cadeby Collieries, and the eighth week of the stoppage at Thrybergh Hall and Warren Vale Colliery.

The Swinton Primitive Methodist Young Men’s Bible class have made a presentation to Mr and Mrs Chester Taylor, who are about to leave Swinton for Doncaster.

People living on the Mexborough Common are grateful for the cinders that have been thrown down on the “Pleasure” Ground; but why don’t the Council make a decent job of the path at once?

The Denaby and Cadeby Collieries Co Ltd continued to recover damages by legal process and their workmen, and there will be serious hardship when the orders are enforced by distressed warrants.

“The British Army,” said Mr T Wigmore, when proposing the health of the Mexborough Cricket League dinner, “has to protect an Empire with an area of from 12 to 15 million square miles