Marconigrams – September 19th, 1902

September 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 19 September 1902


The pay of the Mexborough scavengers is 3/8 a day.

Cookery classes are to be held at Wombwell during the winter.

The clerk at the Arcade, Mexborough, seems to have given up work.

The Reverend G Laing, of Swinton, has written an Education Bill ballad.

A Conisbrough resident sailed yesterday from Southampton for Cape Town.

This is the 12th week of the stoppage at Denaby and Cadeby Collieries.

Electric light is been installed in the Mexborough Primitive Methodist Chapel.

The strike pay of the Denaby and Cadeby miners absorbs about £1000 weekly.

There is to be no elementary evening school at Mexborough during the coming winter.

Wombwell  Urban Council have the least low cost expenditure of any similar Council in Yorkshire.

What has become of the Conisbrough Church choir boys? Five last Sunday morning and six at night!

There is a schoolchild living in Mexborough whose birth certificate was lost in a cyclone in Australia.

.The sudden death of Mr Horace only, of Hill Top, came as a great shock and surprise to Conisbrough people.

A thief entered a Mexborough tobacconist shop last week, and robbed the till. There is no clue to the culprit yet.

A special meeting of the Mexborough School Board is to be held next week, when a new precept will probably be passed.

Mr G.W. Middleton, of Mexborough, has again won the first prize in the “Brighton Society” chess problem-solving competition.

The prettiest hours for miles around may be seen in Adwick Road, Mexborough. They are a credit to the town and to the builders.

The dispute at Grimsby docks may cause a falling off in the financial help received from that town by the Denaby and Cadeby miners stop

The salary of Mr H.E. Liversidge, the Mexborough assistant overseer, has been increased to £110 – £80 as collector and £30 as assistant overseer.

A Chess Club has been started at Mexborough, and though the number of members is not large it is believed that the role will shortly be increased.

Important business will occupy the attention of the Denaby and Cadeby miners these (Friday) morning, at an open-air meeting between the two bridges.

It is clear that the police at Doncaster made a mistake when the rest of Mr Daniel Colin, Clothier, of Leeds, was well known in the Mexborough district.

A tourism Mexborough visited Antwerp on Saturday last. One of the first names he saw in the visitors book this hotel was that of another Mexborough gentleman.

Who starts all the silly rumours one so frequently hears in this district, such as the statement that the Denaby dispute was settled, which prevailed at the beginning of the week.

The Vicar of Mexborough asked to state that the historical account of Mexborough, the first instalment of which appears in this month’s Parish Magazine, a from the pen of the Reverend A. C. Carne.

Students who attended the French classes at Mexborough last session will regret that Professor Asplet, the teacher, cannot continue his tuition, been prevented by the acceptance of another appointment.

“At Roundwood Farm there was no smell, the wind, at our visit carrying it away from the farm.” – Except from the report made to the Rawmarsh Urban District Council and the Sheffield Corporation sludge tip, near Kilnhurst.

The arrangement for the Montagu Hospital annual tea, on October 2, are now well in hand, and it is hoped that influential people will attend and take part in the gathering. A splendid concert will afterwards be given by the Mexborough Orpheus Glee Party, conducted by Mr G.A. Nixon.