Meter Theft at Conisbrough

September 1958

South Yorkshire Times September 6, 1958

Meter Theft at Conisbrough

While a Conisbrough housewife was out visiting a neighbour across the road, a thief entered her home at dusk and stole 41 shillings from a gas meter.

Mrs A.L. Robinson, a widow of 22, Roberts Avenue, Conisbrough, told a “South Yorkshire Times” reporter that after calling at the post office, she went across to her friend Mrs Thicket, for a chat, at about 8 PM. The two children were out playing and she left both the front and back doors open.

She returned at 9:15 PM and in preparing her boy’s supper was unable to light the gas. She inspected the meter and found that the lock had been forced by the intruder.

Conisbrough police are making enquiries