Miner’s Accident

November 1922

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 25 November 1922

Miner’s Accident

On Wednesday at the Doncaster County Court, His Honour Judge Harding heard a claim on the Compensation Act by Herbert Butle (51), miner, Conisborough, against the Yorkshire Main Colliery Company on the grounds of total incapacity.

Mr R.A. Sheppard, barrister of Leeds, for the applicant, said on August 4, 1917, he was getting coal when the prop gave way and the fall of roof knocked him over and he felt across a steel rail. He was off work, hand was paid full compensation to July 27 last. Up to the time of the accident he was a strong man, earning good wages. He was now suffering from a tubercular condition of the left buttock, the site of the accident.

After the injury it began to swell. It was later lanced, and for a time he was an inpatient of the Doncaster infirmary where he was operated on three times and was for a time in outpatient. As a result of the failure of the wound to heal up it had been drainage system and he was now tubercular, and quite unfit to work. The effect of the injury, they contended had been to bring to life latent germs which brought about his present condition.

Evidence was given by the plaintiff and several doctors were also called, and they said the man’s conditions were directly attributable to the accident which had caused a germ to become active.

The respondents agreed to an award of 35/– a week from July 27.