Miners’ Official Prosecuted

March 1938

Leeds Mercury – Wednesday 02 March 1938

Miners’ Official Prosecuted

Alfred Swaby, of Denaby, who as treasurer of the Cadeby branch of the Yorkshire Mineworkers’ Association, was prosecuted at Doncaster yesterday for withholding £101, the moneys of the Association, was ordered to repay £2O in a fortnight and the remainder at 10s. a week, or go to prison for three months.

Sheffield Independent – Wednesday 02 March 1938

Ordered To Pay

Treasurer Of Y.M.A. Branch

Alfred Swaby, of Denaby was summoned at Doncaster yesterday for withholding £101 1s 0d. belonging to the Yorkshire Mineworkers’ Association. He had been treasurer of Cadeby branch

Mr. C. M. Pratt, prosecuting, asked the Bench to make an order for repayment, or substantial sum within 14 days and the balance terms within the means of Swaby.

Mr. B. Marshall, defending, pointed that the sum of £5 1s 6d had been paid into court, with a further £3. Given a little more time Swaby could raise more money.

It would seem that had got his accounts mixed up, and could not explain how it had happened, for lie had not been extravagant and his mode of living had not changed.

The Bench ordered that the money in court should paid over and made up to £20 in a fortnight, the remainder to he paid at the rate of 10d a week.

In default Swaby would have to go prison for three months.