Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 05 December 1927
Miners’ Pensions.
Denaby And Cadeby Workers Scheme.
A pensions scheme, probably unique in the coal industry, has been operating at the Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries for 16 months, and last night pensioners and their wives to the number of 100 were entertained to tea and a concert the Miners’ Welfare Institute, Denaby.
The scheme is contributed to workmen, who pay a penny a week, and by boys, who pay a halfpenny, and it provides pensions for 60 men who, irrespective of age, are considered unable to work. A married man receives 30s. a week and a single man 20s.
The fund is administered by five representatives of the colliery owners, five men from Cadeby Colliery, and five from Denaby Colliery.
In the absence of the chairman of the fund (Mr. H. C. Harrison, general manager of the collieries), Mr. A. Roberts, C.C., vice-president, presided.
Following the meal, each man received tobacco and a churchwarden pipe, and the women a quantity of tea.
The oldest pensioner present was F. Westlake, aged 81, who retired three months ago