Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 03 March 1902
Mining Offences at Cadeby Main.
At Doncaster, on Saturday, C. Heywood a Denaby miner, was fined £1, including costs, for not having set and maintained short props or sprags every six feet to prevent the undermined coal from falling at the Cadeby Main Colliery.
A similar penalty was imposed in the case George Roberts, pony driver, charged with a breach of special rule 66 in force at the same colliery, and William Davis, charged with taking a match into the same mine, was mulcted in 10s. and costs; Thomas Bailey being ordered to pay £1, including costs, for like offence.
Robert Jackson, a filler, was fined and 19s. 3d. costs for ill-treating a pony in the Cadeby Main Colliery, on February 8th.