Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 12 December 1890
Mining Students visit to Cadeby
On Wednesday in last week, the students attending the mining classes now established at Rawmarsh and Rotherham, to the number of about 14, paid a visit along with their teacher, Mr Ford, to the sinking operations now going on at Cadeby.
Mr Rose, the enginewright, met them by arrangement, and escorted them over the place, and made the visit a most enjoyable and instructive one and by pointing out matters of interest.
At the first shaft active pumping was going on. The student had here a rare opportunity of witnessing the method of hanging pumps from the surface. The pumps, which are at present about 26 tons in weight, are suspended in the shaft by means of large steel wire ropes, which are connected to a crab engine in such a way that they can be raised or lowered at will. Attention was then drawn to the method of ventilating the shaft by means of iron tubes; the ventilating fan is a “capel.”
After visiting the engine house of No. 1 shaft, and having the parts of the engine explained by Mr Rose, and the method of calculating the horsepower of the engine described by the teacher, the No. 2 shaft was made for where the same active pumping was going on, and a jet of water, of about 15,000 gallons per hour sped its way to the brook close by. This shaft is 95 yards deep and is tubbed from top to bottom.
Mr Rose, Mr Ford, and two of the class descended in the trunk, and were well repaid for a slight wetting by having a full view of the tubbing, and seeing the crits laid in order. Owing to one of the joints of the steam pipes breaking, the rest of the students were unable to get down, as the joint had at once to be looked after by the workmen.
Mr Rose then gave a full description of the Denaby pumps which have been made specially for this firm, and set the student to calculate the quantity of water it would deliver, which with a few hints from Mr Ford they were able to do.
A visit was next paid to the permanent engine room and workshops now in course of construction, and here they had a splendid opportunity of examining the “bed” of the future engine, which it is intended to draw 2,000 tons per day.
Mr Ford here drew the attention of the students of the advantage of having a well arranged plan of the plant being made previous to actual sinking, and expressed admiration with the manner in which the plant had been laid down, and excellent facilities provided for reaching the market. They are making a branch railway of their own, which will connect them with the great Northern and the Hull and Barnsley lines. The Midland and the M S and L run close by, so that the company will be able to reach the market on the four principal railway systems.
A new feature in sinking operations is a the installation of the electric light, which is to be taken down the shaft to light the workmen as well as the surface arrangements. A very interesting operation to the students was a method of testing the soundness of tubbing plates, which was just going on, and several flaws which had been detected were exhibited. These were put on one side to be sent back again.
Mr Rose here explained that the permanent headgear was to be 16 feet high from the top of the shaft, and made of wrought iron.
After spending a very pleasant afternoon the party now prepared to close the visit. Before leaving Mr Ford, in a neat speech, move that the best thanks be tendered to Mr Chambers, the manager, for his kindness in allowing them to visit the place, and also to Mr Rose for the cordial way he had received the students and the information he had so kindly imparted, and expressed the hope that they all had been profited and instructed.
Mr Ward suitably seconded the motion, and hoped Mr Rose would convey their congratulations to Mr Chambers. The party then adjourned to the Castle Lodge, and partook of an excellent tea.