More Miners’ Summoned and the Usual Orders Made

October 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 24 October 1902

More Miners’ Summoned and the Usual Orders Made

At the Doncaster Welt Riding Police Court, on Saturday, before Mr. G. B. C. Yarborough (in the chair). and Mrs G.C. Coulman and G Hodgson, seven miners named Joseph Roome, Chesterfield, Herbert Good, Aaron Longford, of Denaby Main, Joe Law, Mexboro’, John Henry Jones, Denaby Main, Joe Hutchinson, Conisboro’, John Evans, alias Gangnam, J. Farrah and Peter Galvin, miners, Denaby Main, were summoned by be Denaby Main Colliery Company, under the Employers’ and Workmen’s Act, and the company claimed from each of the defendants £6 damages for staying away from work on the 30th Jane, and for 12 working days up to and including the 12th July.

Roome’s case was the first taken.

Mr. M. Diehard appeared for the Colliery Company, rid said that the claim was for £6. and was similar to the claims made against a large number of other men in connection with the colliery. The defendant Roome, was a miner and was employed at the Denaby mine, and he, in common with other defendants stayed away from work on the dates named.

Orders against a large number of men in respect to the damages were sustained by the company owing to the wrong action of the workmen at the Denaby and Cadeby Main mines. Up to the present at the Denaby mine already orders against 279 miners, representing sum of £1673, had been made, and damages sustained by reason of the defendants and other workmen staying away from work on the dates already named.

At the Denaby pit alone there were £1702 still left to be recovered, in respect to which orders had been made only £29 had been recovered.

John Soar, under-manager of the Denaby Colliery, produced the contract hook, and gave evidence to the divot that the defendant (Roome) had signed the contract, and had not given any notice to term his contract.

The usual order was made.

The remainder of the defendants did not appear, and Mr. Gichard stated that they worked at the Cadeby mine, and already claims against 250 men bad been made, representing a sum of the total damages sustained being £1872, leaving a balance of £372 to be still recovered.

The usual orders were made in each case.