Morley Place School Log 1873 to 1906


Major & Mrs Grantham 1873


Teachers areE E Lewis & J Smith

GrammarMistress 2nd ClassJ Pepper

Pupil Teacher 1st Year Jane Smith


Mistress 2nd Class J Pepper

Pupil Teacher 2nd Year Jane Smith

Candidate C Jackson


Mrs Ferdinand teaching infants along with pupil teacher

Mistress 2nd Class Mrs Ferdinand

Pupil Teacher 3rd Year Jane Smith

School Correspondent David Smith

Clerk C W Ferdinand


Mistress Mrs Ferdinand ill

Temporary Mistress Miss Kirk

Pupil Teacher 4th Year Jane Smith

School Correspondent David Smith

Clerk C W Ferdinand


Mistress J Ferdinand resigned her charge of Conisbrough Board Infants School

Mistress Jane Falconer


Friday 15th March

All children with Whooping cough in the household have been sent home.

18th March

School Closed because of Whooping Cough

Harry Dufton died (pupil)

23rd April

School re opened after 5 weeks.

Mistress 2nd Class Jane Falconer

Pupil Teacher 5th Year Jane Smith

Pupil Teacher 2nd Year Annie E Barker

School Correspondent Major L Grantham

20th September

Attendance Poor. Only 90 present, many have been employed gleaning.


14 January

Jane Smith left today.

Ellen Cocker and Mary Blakely from girls school to act as monitors alternately.

1st April

Albert Drabble punished for taking away a boys cap, children talked to on importance of honesty.

9th May

Alfred Lee and Harriet Swaby came to school late. Have visited parents and they promise to send them on time in the future.


Mistress 2nd Class Jane Falconer

Candidate 1st Year Elizabeth Vasey

Candidate 1st Year Mary Blakeley

School Correspondent E Grantham

Some children´s names mentioned

George Taylor, John Henry Stenton, Charles E Crookes & Walter Warren Crookes (Truant)

Horace Marshall (late)

Florence Broadbent commenced duties as infants Mistress on 6th October.

17th October

Two new children Harriet Thompson and Ellen Horton.


16th January

Emily Maxfield has been in to assist from Girls School.

23 January

Two monitors from Girls School to assist this week.

Lizzie Burnett in the mornings and Lizzie Blakely in the afternoons


Agatha Goodwin commenced as pupil teacher.


Agatha P Goodwin Geography

Mary H Blakeley Arithmetic and Geography


Miss Broadbent will shortly receive her certificate

Mistress 2nd Class Florence Broadbent

Pupil Teacher 3rd Year Agatha Goodwin

Pupil Teacher 3rd Year Mary H Blakeley


Mistress 2nd Class Florence Broadbent

Pupil Teacher 4th Year Agatha Goodwin

Pupil Teacher 4th Year Mary H Blakeley

4th August

Children absent gathering peas

22nd September

School re opened – Children absent due to measles which has been bad for two months now. Also children absent gleaning. 159 on books only 75 attended.


Mistress Florence Broadbent

Ex Pupil Teacher Mary H Blakeley

10th October

School intensely cold owing to want of fires. No coal ordered. Gas lighted to warm the room.


Two new monitors Rhoda Radley and Gertrude Trickett.

1st June and 2nd June

School Inspection


Reading method not approved. Look and say method to be used throughout the school. Alphabet not to be taught to any class. More assistance required for teaching. Frames to be fastened to the gallery to form desks for babies. An instrument to be purchased for exercises and marching. Pencil drill to be freely used. Slates to be placed with left hand lower corner pointing to child. The right hand upper corner to be level with desk top. Children not to cross their legs.

Mistress 2nd Class Lucy E Baron

Ex Pupil Teacher Mary Blakeley


School inefficient

Lack of competent staff.


Infants now in good order attainments show sufficient improvement to warrant the recommendation of a merit grant.

Mistress Mary Parkinson

Assistant Mary Blakeley

Clerk Geo Harrison


1st February

Attendance Officer promised a toy and an orange for all children who did not absent themselves between this date and Shrove Tuesday.

16th September

New Infant Mistress Hannah Leathley commenced duties


23rd April

Albert Hudson marked absent by mistake instead of Fred Burton.

10th June

Half day holiday due to visit of a large Circus to the village.


Mistress Hannah Leathley

Assistant A B Roberts

Pupil Teacher R Fisher

Clerk Geo Harrison


Mistress Hannah Leathley

Assistant ex Pupil Teacher A B Roberts

Assistant A C Fritche

Clerk Geo Harrison


27th January

Two children left to attend the dame´s school. The parent of one had taken his child away so that he should not be taught by a young teacher.

16th March

School visited by Mr Dufton, Mr Pagdin, Mr Norwood and Mr Kilner.

Mistress Hannah Leathley

Assistant A C Fritche

Assistant A A Dey

Pupil Teacher E Rawson

Clerk Geo Harrison


Miss Worsley (Denaby Main Colliery School) commenced.

Head Teacher Hannah Leathley

Assistant Ex pupil teacher M Cave

Assistant Ex pupil teacher J E Worsley

Pupil Teacher 2nd Year E Rawson

Candidate M Marlborough

15th October

Piano arrived


17th January

Half day holiday on account of Mr Norwood ( vet) member of school board. Children left at 11.30 and were presented with oranges and sweets.


Head Teacher Hannah Leathley

Ex pupil teacher M Cave

Ex pupil teacher J E Worsley

Pupil teacher E Rawson

Pupil teacher M Marlborough

Candidate on probation D Sargentson

15th September

Classroom occupied by the five year old children is very much overcrowded – 63 present. The teacher Miss Cave is in very indifferent health and almost unable to cope with so large a class.


Head Teacher Hannah Leathley

Assistant S Maxfield

Pupil teacher E Rawson

Pupil teacher 3rd Year M Marlborough

Pupil teacher 2nd Year D Sargentson


24th January

The stove which was placed at the lower end of the schoolroom for extra warmth has had to be removed on account of it smoking so badly.

D K Sargentson has passed her examinations well.

Mistress Hannah Leathley

Assistant S Maxfield

Assistant E Rawson

Assistant M Cave

Pupil teacher 4th year M Marlborough

Pupil teacher 3rd Year D K Sargentson

Clerk Geo Harrison

18th November

The school has been heated today for the first time by the new heating apparatus and feels much more comfortable.


6th February

Miss Rhodes who was appointed Assistant in place of Miss Maxfield has sent word that she cannot accept the situation as the salary is insufficient.


D R Sargentson has obtained a 2nd Class in the Queens Scholarship Examination.

Head Teacher Hannah Leathley

Assistant Certificated C Harrison

Ex Pupil teacher E Rawson

Ex Pupil teacher M Marlborough

Ex Pupil teacher D Sargentson

Clerk Frank Allen


All staff as 1900 with addition of C Ledger ex pupil teacher.

21st October

Between 40 and 50 children have left this department during the past fortnight in order to attend the new schools which have opened in Station Road.


Head Teacher Hannah Leathley

CA E Rawson

Assistant article 50 D Sargentson

Ditto C Ledger

Ditto F Chadwick

Ditto A Exley

23rd July

It has been decided to reduce staff in this department. Miss Chadwick has been transferred to Station Road Infants. As my senior assistant Miss Rawson is about to leave I have asked that Miss Chadwick return to me after summer holidays to prevent another change of teacher.


Head Teacher Hannah Leathley

C Assistant M Marlborough

Assistant Article 50 D Sargentson

Ditto C Ledger

Ditto A Exley

Pupil teacher 1st year Frances Evison

Ditto Mary A Wright

Candidate Ethel Marsh


Head Teacher Hannah Leathley

C Assistant R Dickson

Uncert Assistant A Laughton

Ditto M A Wright

Pupil Teacher E Marsh

17th August

Hannah Leathley resignation terminates today.

17th September

Ada L Swift commenced duties as Head Teacher.

Theodora Mellor, Edith Mellor and Sarah E Burton commenced duties as monitresses.

Possible that curate was Mellor

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