Music at Denaby – Orchestral Societies Concert (videos)

March 1907

Mexborough and Swinton Times March 23rd 1907

Music at Denaby
Orchestral Societies Concert

An atmosphere of charming and enchanting music filled the Large Hall, Denaby Main, last night, on the occasion of the local orchestral societies concluding concert of the season. The audience we in appreciative mood, and very properly so, as the programme giving comprised and abundance of good things, scored heavily with merit, and productive in every individual instance of rounds of hearty applause, as generous as they were well deserved.

The character of the selections, as well as the skilful interpretations, gave a “tone” to the concert seldom met with in towns, and more seldom still in villages, where, in too many instances, entertainment consists largely of monotonous mediocrity. But it is not so what Denaby which, thanks to its excellent orchestral society, has achieved a musical reputation of far more than mere local compass.

That reputation was splendidly maintained last night, the orchestration throughout reaching a standard at once a tribute to the performers and the efficient training of their wholehearted and popular conductor, Mr Moses Soar

In the numbers rendered, the audience were given an opportunity of contrasting the music of the past – as heard in the works of Mendelssohn, Weber and Mills –  with the music of the present, as represented by Elgar’s impressive march, “Pomp and Circumstance.” The varying themes and all the wonderful wealth of expression – now “sweet and low,” then buoyant, and bracing, and again swelling and glorious – combined to “grip” the attention and gave unalloyed pleasure to the listeners.

The concert can be written down as an inspiration for the further development of Denaby as a happy home of music, showing that a soul lifting art can flourish, even amidst industrial and prosaic surroundings.

The society, consisting of 40 performers, with Mr Ben Wilson as the leader of the band and Mr W. Henry Wilson as accompanist, evidenced conclusively their possession of their essential elements of instrumental production. Well balanced, ever in close touch with the conductors Baton, time and tone were faithfully observed, the treatment of every item doing credit to the high-class of the selected master’s creations were uniform satisfaction was given, to differentiate is difficult.

Elgars “pomp and circumstance” was an auspicious opening. And the composer’s popularity with Yorkshire people found ready expression.

The overture, “Pique Dame” (Suppe) – a favourite with military bands – was also finally rendered, whilst Webers well-known overture “Oberon,” was a “thing of beauty and joy from start to finish.

The reception of these pieces indicated that their old gems still, and ever will retain the fascination of music lovers.

And it was a big jump over their “bridge of time” that took the audience to the next election. Bidgood’s  modern gallop. “A motor ride.” Probably, to the backseats portion of the audience, the selection was the most enjoyable. It pleased not puzzled. The casual concertgoer, who loves to hear something that he or she can understand. It’s introduction into the programme was justified, the realism of effect and capital descriptive colouring proving popular with modern taste. We cannot all buy and drive motors, but the “ride” as told in music story, was prolific in enjoyment! Starting with early morning, the audience heard the world slowly awakening, followed by the chiming of the clock. Then with Rattle and whirr, the motor drive. Off they go, faster and faster along the road, and exciting incidents rapidly ensue. The advent of a pack of hounds in full cry, and a collision, continue to hold interest. Then the halting for repairs, and the return home, together with the spirited finale, with a loud hurrah of its kind, the piece is well written, and the orchestra’s handling of it showed their powers of versatility and adaptability.

Later the intensely beautiful “Spring Song” (Mendelssohn) was given by request.

Siziletta” (von Blon), a couple of really entrancing selections.

The orchestra’s closing item was Mozart’s overture. “Don Giovanni.” The capable rendering of which brought to a close work worthy of  generous and honest praise.

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