Mutual Help Fund – Over £20,000 Paid Out Since 1925 at Denaby.

December 1931

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Tuesday 29 December 1931

Mutual Help Fund.

Over £20,000 Paid Out Since 1925 at Denaby.

The annual treat of the members of the Denaby and Cadeby Mutual Help Fund was held at the Miners’ Welfare last night, when 250 pensioners and wives were entertained to a tea and concert.

Major J. Leslie presided, supported Mr. L. E. Hodges, Mr. 11. Hulley, Alderman Dunn, of Maltby, and Mr. G. Duddington, of the Transport and General Workers’ Union.

Interesting figures given showed that since the fund started at the end of 1925 over £20,000 has been paid out, and £4,000 has been paid out this year.

There are at present 174 pensioners, that is, workmen who have reached the age of 65. Each receive 10s. per week and half a ton of coal per month. The funds are provided by workmen of the pit, who contribute 3d. per man and 1 ½ d. per boy per week, and the colliery company add two-thirds of the amount collected each week.