N.C.B. Notices – 20 Of Denaby Clerical Staff Declared Redundant

June 1950

South Yorkshire Times June 3, 1950

N.C.B. Notices

20 Of Denaby Clerical Staff Declared Redundant

Twenty members of the staff of 44 employed in the wages and costs departments at the Providence Offices at Denaby of the N.C.B.’s Denaby and Cadeby unit have been declared redundant. Alternative employment has been offered a small number of these employees, but the large proportion are due to leave Coal Board service in mid-July.

New System

The staff were interviewed by No. 8 Area executives at the offices on Friday.

The Coal Board are introducing a new wage accountancy system involving mechanisation, and the redundancy decisions follow this new departure.

Four of the people whose services will no longer be required are married women, three are youths due to register this year for National Service, one a single girl and seven are men (four of them married).

Also declared redundant are four men who have been offered alternative employment in the North-Eastern Divisional Coal Board’s No. 3 Area—their own area—and one single girl who has also been offered alternative employment in N.C.B. service.

The remainder of the staff are being retained.

The ” South Yorkshire Times ” was informed yesterday that it was understood that the staff not retained would leave in mid-July when it was expected that the installation of the new machinery would be completed.

Some members of the staff have already received instruction operating the machines.

No “Favouritism”            ,

These impending changes were outlined to representatives of the Clerical and Adminstrative Workers’ Union, the N.U.M. (No 3 Group) Group and R.A.C.M. at a meeting at No. 3 Area headquarters at Manvers Main about Easter.

Mr. W. D. Smart, North-Eastern divisional secretary of the Clerical and Administrative Workers’ Union is contacting Administrative Officers in other areas of the N.C.R. North-Eastern Division with a view to some of the displaced staff at Denaby and Cadeby being absorbed there.

A local branch official stated yesterday: “The staff here realise that the redundancy decisions have beak made fairly and there are no cases of people being retained through favouritism.

The “South Yorkshire Times” learns that redundancy decisions I worry been taken among clerical staff at other pits in the district and have become effective and it is reported that officials from the Coal Board’s Scottish Division are to inspect the operation of wage accountancy machines in this area.