Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Saturday 10 September 1887
Alarming Accident At Denary Main Colliery.
The Cage Dashed To Pieces.
Narrow Escape Of Miners.
Yesterday morning, about half-past six, an accident of a most serious and alarming character occurred at the Denaby Main Colliery.
As a draw of water was being brought the cupola or return air shaft, the wire rope connecting the ascending cage with the engine suddenly snapped two without the slightest warning, and the cage fell with tremendous violence the bottom of the shaft. Fortunately those beneath bad plenty of time get out the way of the falling cage which on reaching the bottom was literally smashed to pieces. The rope parted just about halfway, where the ascending and descending cages meet.
A full complement of datallers had come out of the pit only the draw before the one when the accident happened, and their escape from an awful death can only be reckoned as simply marvellous.
What is called the “4 draw” shaft is used chiefly for the drawing of coals, and the men usually find their way to and from the workings by moans of the cupola shaft. The wire rope appeared to be perfectly safe when examined a few hours previously, and the part where it snapped is the only place found to detective.
The accident will of course lead to a slight stoppage of work, but the officials expect to get in full working order sometime to-day (Saturday).