Naughty Talk at Conisborough Station

June 1897

Mexborough and Swinton Times June 25, 1897

Naughty Talk at Conisborough Station

John Parker and Edward Brammer, miners, of Conisborough, were charged with using abusive language on the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway platform at Conisborough Station on June 7.

Inspector Dugdale prosecuted.

James Dillimore stated that he was stationed at Conisborough Station. On the date in question he was taking tickets from the 3:40 p.m. train from Sheffield. He saw the two defendants alight, and he asked them for their tickets. As they could not produce them, he asked them for their fares from Rotherham, and they refused to pay, and Brammer said he would burn his b—– eyes out. He still kept on, and said if witness reported in he would kill him straight out.

Parker then commenced to swear.

Inspector Dugdale stated that the tickets had been found in the refreshment room at Rotherham.

Brammer was fined 30 shillings including costs and Parker 20 shillings including costs.