South Yorkshire Times, February 24, 1951
Nearly 500 Mourners
At Funeral of Mr. R. Dunn of Conisbrough
Every seat In St. Alban’s Catholic Church, Denaby was occupied on Saturday for Requiem Mass which preceded the interment at Catholic Cemetery of Mr.Richard Dunn (47), Lowfield House, High Street, Conisbrough, whose death in a road accident at Conisbrough was reported in our last issue.
Genuine Grief.
Some mourners had to stand at the rear of the church, and It is estimated that nearly 500 people attended the funeral. Among them were representatives of the Catholic Young Men’s Society, the Catenian Association, Mexborough Food Committee, Edlington and Old Denaby Parish Councils and other organisations with which Mr. Dunn was associated.
Mass, sung by a choir of men and schoolchildren, was offered by the parish priest of St. Alban’s, Fr. J. Palframan, and the parish priest of Doncaster, Fr. C. Flynn, with Fr. E. Heeran, parish priest of Mexboro’, as deacon, and Fr. J. Delaney, curate of Denaby, as sub-deacon.
In the congregation were Canon W. Donkers (Wath). Fr. G. Hinchliffe (Sheffield and formerly of Denaby), Fr. J. Connelly (Dinnington) and Fr. S. Cashman (Doncaster). and Sisters of Mercy.
The body was received at the church on Friday evening.
Fr, Paiframan said that Mr. Dunn’s death had cast a shadow over all of them. It was surprising how many people were shocked by his death, and how many people had a really genuine grief at his loss. It was the genuine grief of personal friendship.
“It was true to say.” Fr. Paiframan continued, “that the majority if people in Denaby have had from Richard Dunn some, little act of perional kindness. Many times this week peop144 recalled instances which they remernber of his kindness and shed tears over his loss. Anyone who refers to him uses the words kind’ and ‘gentle.’ He was born in Denaby, he loved Denaby, and it is true to say he was one of the glories of Denaby.”
Paifrarnan referred to Mr. Dunn’s work for his faith and added that for many years before he knew Denaby he knew of Mr. Dunn for his great work for the C.Y.M.S. There were two great loves in his life: the love of his faith and of his home and family.
Children Cortege.
In the cortege from the church to the cemetery were about 100 children from St. Alban’s Catholic School, to the managers of which Mr. Dunn had been correspondent and also a manager for 25 years.
The bearers were members of Denaby branch of the C.Y.M.S.