New Arrivals at Conisbrough School – From England, Wales and Scotland

January 1955

From England, Wales and Scotland
New Arrivals at Conisbrough School

In a reply to Conisbrough primary school manager last night Miss B E Say Head Teacher of the Rowena Infants School said the schools complement of 263 children included new arrivals from Wales, Scotland, Durham, Denaby and Mexborough.

These children she said had been trickling in all the past term from the new National Coal Board estate.

To accommodate this over flow of pupils a new classroom has been opened. These children will be 7 plus this year.

“The position is now,” she wrote, “with regards to admittance, that the April May June July and August children of 1950 can only be admitted in September

Mr J Proctor headmaster of Morley Place School also sent word that accommodation would be acute. At present there where 366 children on the roll.