New Cadeby Colliery

August 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 08 August 1892

New Cadeby Colliery

The sinkings at the New Cadeby Colliery at Conisborough, belonging to the Denaby Main Colliery, have, notwithstanding difficulties as to water, reached to a considerable depth, and it is expected that the Barnsley seam will be reached about February next, and it is almost certain to be equal to the splendid seam worked at the Denaby Main, a mile or two away, and where the coal is 10 feet in thickness.

It is computed that when the new colliery is developed the Denaby Main Company will own the most extensive colliery undertakings in England and will be able to supply something like 1,600,000 tons of coal per annum.

Under the auspices of this powerful company, the South Yorkshire Junction Railway is to be constructed from the collieries to Wrangbrook on the Hull and Barnsley line.

The company have bound themselves for 21 years to send or pay for a minimum traffic of 310,000 tons to be placed on the line annually. The contract for the line has been let.