Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 08 February 1932
New Hall for Denaby Main.
Parishioners Complimented by Bishop.
“The new hall is a very great credit to the fellowship of parish like Denaby Main, and it shows spirit worthy emulation,” said the Bishop of Sheffield Saturday, when he dedicated the new parish hall, which, except for the brick foundation and tiling, had been built the voluntary work of parishioners, of whom Messrs. W. Oates, J. P. Engledow, E. Robinson, and W. Williams took a prominent part.
The Bishop said he never came to that district without thinking Sir Walter Scott’s reference in “Ivanhoe” to the beautiful and wooded country between Rotherham and Doncaster, in which, of course, Denaby Main was now placed. The new hall, said, would asset for the social activities of the church.
The hall was formally declared open by Mr. F. J. Dundas, a director of the Denaby and Main Collieries, and the chair was occupied by the Vicar, the Rev. S. Powley.The Denaby Main Church Lads’ Brigade, under Captain F. Singleton, formed a guard of honour for the Bishop, who inspected them and spoke encouragingly to them. Later, tea and a social gathering followed in the new hall.
On behalf the parishioners a chiming clock was presented to Mr. W. Wilkinson in recognition his service as sidesman, church worker, and warden, before his departure to Bridlington following his retirement as an official at the Cadeby pit.