South Yorkshire Times December 14, 1968
New Pit Face Took Cadeby Out Of ‘Red.’
A new high-productivity face, from which it is aimed to produce 1,000 tons of coal each shift, has helped Cadeby-Denaby Main Colliery to show a profit for the first time for several months.
N.U.M. delegate at Cadeby, Mr E. Langford, told a “South Yorkshire Times” reporter this week that much of the success of the face could be attributed to the procedure which has been adopted for operating a new power loading unit with which the face is equipped and which could not be altered without permission from the Production Manager.
“The effect of the face has been to help the colliery show a profit for the first time in several months with a pit output of 18,000 saleable tons in one week,” said Mr. Langford.
“The face is helping to boost production and to reduce the burden on the colliery of running ‘in the red’,” he added.
“It will work at about 2d. per therm as opposed to about 3d. per therm for the rest of the colliery, so this unit doing well will bring the price per therm down, which is the only way to stay competitive.”
Best In World
Mr. Langford added that the Area Director, Mr C. Machin, had said that Cadeby was producing the best coking coal in the world and had assured them that there was a demand for it provided it was produced at a price which was reasonable to the buyers.
Mr. Machin described the improvement at Cadeby last week as “a turn for the better”, and added that Lord Robens had been invited to pay an underground visit to the colliery next year.