New Rifle Range at Denaby Main.

4 April 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 04 April 1902

New Rifle Range at Denaby Main.

The new range that has been secured by the Denaby and District Civilian Miniature Rifle Club was formally opened on Easter Monday. The range is situated in a disused limestone quarry at the top of the crags on the North Cliff. It is within a short distance from Conisboro’ Railway Station and though the climb to it is rather steep, the range cannot be said to be difficult of access.

The club was formed a few months ago mainly through the instrumentality of Mr H. S. Witty whose interest in the volunteer movement is well known. The range has been inspected by a representative of the National Rifle Association and passed for use as satisfactory. Though the distance from the target to the most extreme firing point is only about one hundred yards good practice equal to firing at a thousand yards may be had by the use of any rifle or carbine of a recognised military pattern fitted with Morris tube or Kynoch reducer. The range is really a thousand yards range reduced to one tenth. the size of the target being reduced in proportion to the reduced distances.

The president of the club is Mr. W. R. Chambers, the vice-president Mr. Geo. White, the hon. treasurer Mr. E. Robinson, the hon. rec. Mr. F. G. Cousins, Station road, Conisboro’; committee. Messrs. A. H. Barnard, H. S. Witty, Farrell, E. Watson and R. Munting.

The list of honorary members includes the following: Col. the Hon. H. Lindley Wood, Melton Park; Mr. W. Fison, M.P., Mr. J. Buckingham Pope. Mr. S. A. Peto, Mr. J. Thompson, Mr G Nicholson. Mr. W. W. Norwood, Mr. H. H. Wray. Mr. Weston, Mr. J. Bosville, Mr. W. I. Gibbs., Mr. H. Battie-Wrightson. Mr. J. S. H. Fullerton. and Dr. J. J. Huey.

Up to Monday about 40 members had enrolled and it is expected that the number will be doubled before very long. There was a large attendance on Monday morning, when the range was formally opened.

The sloping sides of the old limestone quarry provide very safe accommodation for spectators.

Among thane present were the Hon. H. Lindley Wood, the Rev. J. Brooks. Vicar of Denaby, Mr. W. H. Chambers, Mr. G. B. Stones, Mr. H. S. Witty, Mr. H. L Smethurst, Mr. G. White, Mr. T. W. Mosby, Mr. W. W. Norwood, Mr A. H. Barnard. Mr. F. G. Cousins, Mr. J. Hoek, Mr. H. H. Wray, Mr. G. L Robinson, Mr J. Hill, and Mr. J. T. H. Riddle. Among the ladies were Mrs. Witty and Miss Kilner.

The first shot was fired at 20 yards’ range by Miss Kilner, a ball’s-eye being registered amidst applause. For the performance of this interesting service Miss Kisser was awarded a vote of thanks, on the proposition of the President of the Cub. Miss Kilner briefly acknowledged the compliment and afterwards several of the visitors fired one shot each, these including Col. Wood, Mr. Chambers. Mr. White, I Mr. Wray, Mr. Smethurst, Mr. Norwood. Mr. I Hoyle. Mr. Stones and Mrs. Witty.

During the day it became known that Miss Kilner had expressed her intention of presenting to the club a silver cup for competition, the conditions and arrangements for the competition to be decided upon by the committee.