New Vicar – Denaby Main Induction

March 1957

South Yorkshire Times March 30, 1957

New Vicar
Denaby Main Induction

the parish church of all Sts Denaby was well filled and sat evening when Dr L.S.Hunter, Bishop of Sheffield, conducted the service of collation and induction of the Rev Fred Herrington to the living and benefice of Denaby Main.

For five years Mr Herrington has been Vicar of was the common (St Luke’s) and is no stranger to Denaby May because when he was a curate at Conisbrough St Peter’s Church about 12 years ago, he conducted services at the Denaby church on several occasions.

It was a tribute to his work in the various parishes in which he has served that there were people in the congregation from Conisbrough, Thorne – Moorends (when he served before going to was the common), and a large contingent of about 100 came from his last parish.

The service was also attended by the Chairman of Conisbrough Urban District Council (Ald B Roberts J.P.), was accompanied by the Clerk and members of the Council, representing some the Epworth Hall Lowfield Methodist Chapel, the Salvation Army, and officials and members of the church organisations and friends, and the Honourable Lay Reader (Mr T Holcroft)

the Bishop in his address said, “On Sunday your thoughts and prayers will be directed to Christian charity and love, and our thoughts to the Christian teaching of care; care for God who cares for us, but when you think how people have behaved and still do behave, many don’t care.”

Christianity was not just having a warm heart to care, wisely and really well, we must also have an understanding of the truth and on our own part prior and thought were needed and sometimes very hard thought. The Christian Church constituted the people, who are particularly a group of people who care for the members of the group. The people of God should be like a group of people who care for one another. If they did not something was bound to go wrong.

“We must not just care for our friends or neighbours, but for all kinds of people. The hardest thing is that if we do not do this we are inclined to become a group of people who don’t care at all. Today when human relationships are not as they should be, it is more necessary that we wish who are called to the Christian faith should be a body of people who care. We are today going through a period of disillusionment and cynicism. It is following a period of wars. If we are humble enough to realise the gift of God then, God helping us, we may have that Christian charity we should possess.

“Your new vicar, who has been inducted this evening, is no stranger to these parts may be known to some of you. I should like to think that the strength and loyalty which exists in the church may continue to grow in Denver Main and be even more strong in quality and numbers than it has been before.

Your new vicar has had much experience in mining areas and he understands the needs and cares of the people, so give him your support as a body of people who care.”