South Yorkshire Times May 3rd 1969.
New Vicar visits Denaby
The 35 year old curate of Drypool, the rev, Reg Davies, visited Denaby on Wednesday to acquaint himself with the home he will take over when he becomes vicar of Denaby on September 12th.
Mr Davies, a native of Bebington, on Merseyside, took his entire family to look over the house – his wife, Alice, son Andrew (six) and daughters and (four) and Allison (21 months).
Mr Davies was educated at new ferry secondary school and Toxeth technical College, and served in the RAF at Tern Hill, Shropshire. He worked for in accountancy firm in Liverpool for a time and entered college at Tyndal Hall, Bristol.
“I was also a football referee in the minor leagues, and I support Everton” said Mr Davies who is very interested in soccer.
One aspect of the game which he enjoys is the rivalry of local teams – though Denaby and Mexborough may now replace Everton and Liverpool.
Mr Davies was curate at Hayward, near Manchester. As his first period of service in the ministry, and left for Drypool after two years. This is a parish of 27,000 situated in in Hull, where the family have lived for three years.
Said Mr Davies, “I was in control of sent Andrews church in Drypool, and we served an industrial community which included much of the docks. It is similar in many ways to Denaby.”