Mexborough & Swinton Times January 6, 1923
From the Rev. W. A. Strawbridge, M.A., Vicar of Conisboro´
I respond with pleasure to your kindly invitation for a New Year´s message to your readers.
For whether we look at Christianity´s corporate life, as embodied in the idea and the existence of a visible church, or endeavour to take our share in the life of the State as a somewhat more clearly defined and acknowledged Public Institution, I feel, in ever increasing intensity of personal conviction, that what we all need is – “the spirit to think and to do such things as be rightful”, in God´s sight. And, in view of human nature´s instructive aspirations or ideals, I would say to all who may read these lines – “Whatsoever things are true, and honourable, and just, and pure, and lovely, and of good repute; if there is any virtue to be practised or cultivated, and if there is anything deemed worthy of praise, cherish the thought of these things, and the God of Peace shall be with you”, whether as household individuals, or as citizens of the State, or as members of the Universal Church of Jesus Christ militant here upon earth.
From John Brocklesby, J.P., Chairman of the Conisboro´ Urban Council
I thank you for the opportunity of sending a New Year´s brief message to the readers of your valuable paper.
My first work is one of warmest desire for a happy and prosperous New Year. I am afraid that the prospects for many are not very brilliant, but we are justified, I think in looking for some improvement in trade and business generally.
I sincerely trust that the year 1922 has witnessed the lowest depth of our depression; we certainly begin the year 1923 under more hopeful signs. What we need is “peace and goodwill among men”. The message is an old one, but it was never more needed than to-day. Nothing can so surely restore confidence, sympathy and co-operation in which our welfare so largely depends.
Of this I feel sure, we must not look for pre-war prosperity in our time. The war debt is bound to impose restrictions in many directions, and for many years to come; but by a steady and united effort of all classes we shall surely, if slowly, recover lost ground and win a measure of prosperity that will ensure our happiness; this, with national economy and a just distribution of profits would soon lift us out of the mire.
With every good wish for the prosperity of your paper and its readers.