Mexborough and Swinton Times January 8, 1886
New Year’s Festivities at the Parish Church
The annual parish church tea was held at Conisborough on New Year’s Day, in Mr Anderton’s rooms. There was a good attendance, in fact all the available space was taken up, the lady members of the congregation presiding at the trays. After tea an entertainment, consisting of anthem, carols, glees, songs etc was given in the Sunday school room, before a crowded audience. The vicar (the Rev J.G.Wood) occupied the chair.
Mr Herbert White, of Doncaster, accompanied on the piano, whilst Mr W.H.Chambers officiated as conductor.
The anthem, carols, and glees were well rendered by the choir, the answer “In the beginning was the Word,” and the glee “The warrior Norseman,” been especially well given.
Mr Colley sang with great taste his first song “The lost chord,” but his comic song, entitled “An awful scrub,” so pleased the audience that an encore was demanded, for which he sang “cockles and mussels.”
Mr W.H.Chambers also sang “The white squall” in good taste, but the audience seemed decidedly in favour of comic songs, his last song, entitled “Medicine Jack,” being heartily accorded an encore, in response to which he sang another comic song, “The laughing chorus.”
Mr Moulson will also encore the song “Keep your powder dry” for which he gave “The British lion.”
Mr White songs were also well received.
The performance of the Korque Minstrel give every satisfaction to the audience, and quite maintained the reputation obtained on previous occasions, though appearing under another name. Their names are Master John Beardsley, who manipulated the knickknacks; Master Sam Briggs (tambourine), and Master Marshall (violin), and were accompanied in their song by Mr Wild (violin), and Mr L.J.Beardsley on the piano.
Mr L.J.Beardsley was encored for this performance on the piano of a solo consisting of a selection from “Martha,” which he rendered with more than usual spirit.
The vicar gave an address on current topics, especially referring to the momentous questions which will probably be dealt with during the year.
The proceeds are to be devoted to the parish library.