Nice Haul at Conisborough.

May 1899

Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Saturday 27 May 1899

Nice Haul at Conisborough.

At the Doncaster West Riding Police Court, this morning, Wm. Fearn, Zachariah Aston, David Lowe, ThomasTaylor, John O’Brien, Thomas Melody, Phillip Kennady, Walter Mawson, and Wm. Smith, all colliers, of Denaby were summoned for gaming with dice at Conisborough, on the 20th, May.

From information received Police-constables Jarvis and Waller proceeded to the urinal of the Denaby Main Hotel. They found the whole of the defendants playing at a game known “under and over,” with box of dice. The whole of the men were crouched down and taking part in the game.

The officers recovered 1s. 6d., and the articles used in the playing of the game.

Frequent complaints had been made of this sort of thing, but the police had, until the present occasion, been unable to catch the men.

O’Brien and Mawson, who appeared, were fined 2s 6d and costs, Lowe was ordered to pay 7s. 6d and costs, Fearn 20s. and costs, and the other defendants 5s and costs.