Nimrod of Denaby.

12 March 1908

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 12 March 1908

Nimrod of Denaby.

Not a Little of Denaby United’s success this season has been due to the untiring work of J. Nimrod, the diminutive right half-back, who has been for the past five years associated with the colliery  team.

This afternoon he takes a well-deserved benefit, and the eleven that will turn out in opposition to the home club will include Harrop, of Liverpool, and Tompkins and Lavery, of Leeds City, players who were formerly colleagues of Nimrod in the Denaby colours.

Nimrod was born at South Shields, and previous to coming to Denaby, saw service with Jarrow Black Watch (a junior team), Jarrow, which included Lyall and Simpson (of Sheffield Wednesday), at that time, and Barnsley.