No Conisbrough Show – May Become Defunct

May 1951

South Yorkshire Times, May 19th 1951

No Conisbrough Show

May Become Defunct

Conisbrough Show will not be held this year, and, it is thought, may become defunct.

The reason, says Mr. George Hill, secretary of Conisbrough and Denaby Agricultural and Horticultural Society, who have organised the show for the last six years, is “lack of public support.”

For the first five years the show and gymkhana was held in the Welfare ground, Old Road, Conisbrough. Last year it was moved over a mile from the centre of the town to Butterbusk Farm, on Doncaster Road. The Society have a deficit of about £100 on the show, which 3,000 attended.

“It costs between £500 and £550 to run a show of that sort,” said Mr. Hill last night, “and we only took £210 at the gate. It’s a pity during the Festival year. I think it will become defunct.”

Tickhill Show, and some others have also boon cancelled because of lack of support.