Notes From Conisborough – Colliery Cottages

November 1891

Mexborough & Swinton Times, November 13, 1891

Notes From Conisborough.

Colliery Cottages

The house erected for the Denaby Main Colliery Company are being completed and presently there will be several hundred of them ready for occupancy. I was passing along one day this week and noticed that the workmen were giving the finishing touches and that the names of the new streets were already “up.”

The miners certainly have very compact cottages, even if they are not large, and there is ample space for a free circulation of fresh air. I hope the men will treat the new property considerately. I have heard of doors being burst open and cupboards smashed for the purpose of firewood—but of course this kind of thing does not take place at Denaby Main or Conisborough.

At some pits it is said “stacking ” is going on, but this does not apply to Denaby Main, for the pit is turning out the usual enormous tonnage daily, and the colliery yard shows what activity prevails. I was on the premises this week and was struck by the appearances of brisk trade. The colliery engine was running along the sidings and train loads of the mineral were gliding away from the works, ready for Hexthorpe and the eastern port as well as for the London markets.