Mexborough and Swinton Times September 7, 1888
Notes from Conisbrough – Races at Doncaster – New Station Buildings – Concertina Band – Dancing Classes – Vickers holiday – Harvest Operations
We are now close upon the races which are held at Doncaster, and once more the great St Ledger will again be run. The usual preparations are being made at Doncaster, and the railway authorities are making extensive alterations for the increased passenger traffic of that week.
A new platform has been fitted up at Conisbrough for the purpose of collecting tickets; new signal box had been built near the glass works, and everything seems to have been done to render a repetition of last year’s fearful catastrophe impossible.
Some time ago mention was made of the concertina band at Denaby, and I am pleased to hear that it is still prospering. A brass band connected with the pit is about to be started. The usual help I suppose, is being generously given by the company, and doubtless we shall have proof of its birth before long.
Preparations are being made for passing the coming winter evening. The first that I hear of in this village is a dancing class. Particulars have not yet come out, but to properly conducted this amusement is a very fair exercise.
The larger places round about will be getting ready for the commencement of science and art classes, series of lectures et cetera all tended towards mental improvement. We, however, cannot as yet boast of these means of learning.
The vicar, who is away on his holidays, will return shortly. The reverend gentleman is to be congratulated on the Admiral selection of clergymen that are filled his place in the various occasions of his absence. Each one of them has been an eloquent preacher, and speedily got the liking of the people
The fine weather that we have had lately, I mean “fine” in comparison with what we had previously, has ripened the corn, and farmers round here are active engaged in harvest operations.