Mexborough & Swinton Times, November 13, 1891
Notes From Conisborough.
Good Wages and Packmen
Conisborough, as well as Denaby Main–and of course Mexborough —feels the great advantage of e good wages the men continue to earn, and he miners and their families ought to be in very comfortable circumstances. When one passes through Denaby Main, and particularly the Conisborough end, the contrast with what existed when the Staffordshire and other so-called “black-sheep “were present is most striking.
Peace and prosperity appears to be the state of things all over. The shopkeepers—including the “Co-op.”do quite a “roaring” trade and there is a regular army of “packmen ” who visit the folk, knowing how freely they part with their earnings.
This reminds me that a fellow has been imposing on the credulity of the Conisbroites and Denabyites lately. He professed to be connected with a first class Sheffield firm, and offered wringing machines at an extraordinarily low figure. So low was the price that he unfortunately caught many “face” by this bait. He received quite a handsome total in half-crowns “on account,” but he has not been seen since.
I mention this circumstance to put the readers of the Times on their guard against a repetition of any such imposition. The man would be soon recognised again, and I hope the Conisborough sergeant or some of the constables may have the pleasure of handcuffing the impostor and introducing him to the Justices of the Peace at Doncaster.