Mexborough and Swinton Times May 25, 1888
Notes from Conisbro’
The attractions of Conisboro’ have been appreciated this week judging from the large numbers who have visited the village during the week. The charm of the place undoubtedly is the ancient castle, which may now be inspected in perfect safety. The prospect which can the observed at the summit of the castle is a scene not easily to be forgotten, especially at this season of the year.
Much remains to be done in the castle grounds if the resort is to be made attractive. A number of seats ought most certainly to be arranged about the grounds, a want at present much felt. Upwards of 1000 persons ascended the castle on three ‘first days, notwithstanding that the price of admission is now 3d., instead of ld., as heretofore.
No one oan grumble to pay the extra fee, considering the advantages that are now afforded. The visitors on Monday to the Castle grounds numbered 1600, Tuesday 2500, Wednesday 500, making a total of 4500. By the erection of a caretaker’s lodge, and the appointment of a vigilant keeper, there is no doubt but that the grounds in time will present a far different appearance. As is the case with most things, this will be a work of time, although already the advantage a resident caretaker may be seen.
We have had the Whitsuntide holidays and real Whitsuntide weather. Conisboro’ has being quite busy all the week. On Monday the place was quite fall of excursionists. Several special trains were run, and each brought a very fair number of visitors. On Tuesday a very heavily laden special came from Leeds, Batley, and Dewbury district. The old castle was well patronised, and altogether the village had quite the appearance usual to it on Good Fridays. There vise-also a number of visitors from Darnall, who brought with them a drum and fife band, which did a good deal to enliven the place up. In fact, we have had a real full week, and those who did not get their usual amount of trade on Good Fri’ day have had a splendid chance to redeem