Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Grantham 2 – Another Smart Stroke

November 1939

Mexborough & Swinton Times, November 25

Denaby United – Another Smart Stroke

Denaby 4 Grantham 2

Denaby brought off another smart stroke of business at Tickhill Square on Saturday,

I told you things were on the up-grade, and four goals against the only side to beat them in war-time football this season seems to suggest it pretty emphatically. Denaby got their quartet before Grantham had anything to show for a good deal of hard delivering toil (and apart from our own opinion from “neutrals”, I heard in the stand it was “the best game we´ve seen for seasons”.

The last time Grantham were at Tickhill Square they were beaten those were two of the elusive points Denaby picked up last season. Denaby were top scorers in Saturday´s Midland League programme. So far they have taken six points from five games. Tomorrow they are at Gainsborough, the side they beat at Tickhill Square a couple of weeks ago

“Cup Tie” Goal
In a Ninety Minute Thriller
Denaby in Storming Mood

Denaby United 4, Grantham 2

There has been no finer game at Denabythis season than this second home war-time league fixture with Grantham. The pace of the first half was simply amazing, and the first goal, a bolt from the blue, would have done justice to a first class cup tie.

The funniest thing about it was that Grantham rather then Denaby, had looked like scoring it. From the moment the referee said “go” the pace never slackened. Lively inside forwards made Grantham likely scorers and Gibson was once lucky to block a shot with his foot. Moralee, playing on the Denaby left wing put in many deft touches, and Ardron peppered the ball when he got near enough to shoot. Once he saw a shot headed out on the line by a back. Then Briggs, the Grantham centre forward, found himself with a gift from the gods and broke away. But Happs and Williams between them upset his apple cart.

Utter Delight

This is how the game swung-first a roar in one goalmouth, then a gasp in the other. It was only a few minutes after Briggs had sent Ranshaw through, unmarked, for a rousing blaze over the Denaby bar, that Moralee suddenly broke away from a crowd of players in the centre of the field, streaked goalwards like greased lightning and sped the ball towards the advancing Healey. The Grantham goalkeeper blocked the shot then to the utter delight of the crowd, ARDON crashed in a shot from the wing, yards out that nearly broke the back of the net. A rousing start to the goalscoring!

They all Missed

This was after 31 minutes. Two minutes later PADGETT got another, lifting the ball cleverly over Healey´s head into the net as the goalkeeper came out to challenge him. Near the end of the first half Wright ran across to intercept a forward, Happs ran across too, and Gibson moved across the goal, watching Happs. They all missed, but the ball rolled wide!

PADGETT scored Denaby´s third goal after seven minutes in the second half following a free kick for a foul on Davis. Six minutes later he completed a hat trick from a corner, and from this fourth goal, Denaby literally played Grantham off their feet. After 29 minutes GUYAN got Grantham´s first goal from a rebound after Gibson had saved two direct shots (and punched the ball clear each time) and BRIGGS got their second after 34 minutes. Denaby were awarded a penalty in the interim but it was not converted. Nor was it needed. This is the sort of football that should bring back the crowds to Tickhill Square!