Obituary – Sydney Barber (picture)

January 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 11 January 1941

Obituary – Sydney Barber

The funeral took place at Conisborough on Sunday of Mr. Sydney Barber. of 7 Barnsley Avenue, Conisborough who was fatally injured in a road accident in Doncaster Road, Conisboro’ on the previous Tuesday.

Mr. Barber was employed as a lorry driver by Messrs. Ward and Sons, of Swinton.

He was a wellknown member of the local branch of the Communist Party. The cortege was headed by members of the Mexborough and Conisborough branch of the “Daily Worker” Readers’ League, who formed a guard of honour at the cemetery. and among them was Mrs. Mason. wife of Mr. John Mason. of Mexborough, secretary of the Mexborough Trades Council and A.E.U. shop steward, who is detained under the Defence Regulations.

A banner which Mr. Barber played a great part in winning draped the coffin. The burial service was conducted by the Wesleyan minister. the Rev. W. Thynne, and afterwards an address was given by a local member of the Communist Party.