Obscene Language at Conisborough

October 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 17 October 1902

Obscene Language at Conisborough

Robert Wilson, miner, Conisborough, was summoned by Ellis Andrew Beacham for having used obscene language to him at that place on the 29th ult.

Mr W Baddeley represented the complainant and Mr Frank Allen defendant.

The evidence for the prosecution was that at the date mentioned, defendant called at the complainant’s house and accused the latter of having done a mountain some work, calling the blackleg and challenged him to fight, and the same time making use of the language mentioned in the summons.

Evidence was given by the complainant, his wife, and Maude Wood, a neighbour.

Defendant stated that he resided in gate, Conisborough, and was a miner, at present on strike. On the date in question he visited the complainant’s house and the latter threatened to knock his —- head off. He did not use bad language.

Frank Swift, miner, Westgate and William Wilson, Timber merchant, Conisborough also gave evidence for the defendant.

A penalty of 10 shillings and 26/6 costs was inflicted.