Old Denaby Has Raised £900 for New Village Hall

April 1958

Old Denaby Has Raised £900 for New Village Hall

Old Denaby, population 120 people, is making, rapid progress in its fundraising scheme for a new village hall.

A fund was opened some seven years ago and a total of approximately £900 has so far been raised towards the objective of £1,000, mainly through whist drives held at Ivy House on Tuesdays and Fridays , garden parties  and Christmas draws.

Coun. J. Webster, secretary of the Village Hall fund, told the “South Yorkshire Times” this week, that the new centre would accommodate about 150 people and would provide a much needed amenity for an expanding community.

Among the activities which will take place in the hall include dances, whist drives and wedding receptions. The very active youth club in Old Denaby, which, at present meets in the church school, will be housed in the new building.

“We intend to put our plans into operation when the economic situation eases,” commented Coun. Webster. The Committee he added, were hopeful of completing the erection of the centre within the next two years.