Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 01 August 1902
One Sequel to the Denaby Strike
On Thursday week at Barnsley. John Shaw of 2. Shaw street. lately of Denaby, was summoned by his wife Elizabeth Jane Burns, now of 106. Honeywell street, for desertion.
Complainant said that up to a fortnight ago they lived at Denaby, when, after obtaining his week’s money, he left her and she did not see him again until she came to live with her mother at Rawmarsh
Mr. Rideal appeared for defendant, and in reply to complainant, said her husband home when the Denaby strike began. He got work at Barnsley, and had written to her asking her to come to him.
She came, but there no accommodation, and she had to spend the night on the hearth rug. Shi bad sake to allow her 4s. 6d. a week. He had paid that sum once, and if he had continued to she would not have summoned him.
Mr. Rideal consented to an order for 4s 6d and the Bench concurred.