Only Skeleton Staff Will Remain After Whitsuntide

May 1968

South Yorkshire Times, May 4, 1968

Only Skeleton Staff Will Remain After Whitsuntide

About 16 surface workers at Denaby Main Colliery are to be declared redundant at Whitsuntide when they are affected by the over 60’s compulsory retirement programme.

Already about 70 men over 60 years of age were retired from their underground jobs after Easter as was announced in December by Aea Director of the N.C.B., Mr. Clifford Machin.

Since the announcement the Union branch at Denaby has held meetings with General Manager Mr. N. Horsefield, which, says Denaby N.U.M. Branch Secretary, Coun. T. Ryan, have gone smoothly. “The men left Denaby reasonably happy,” said Mr. Ryan. “The majority are about 62 years old and are not over anxious to get other jobs. After a lifetime in the mines they think they have earned a rest to enjoy a bit of leisure.


“Provided the benefits were all right it would not be a bad idea for over 60’s to retire everywhere in the industry.”

The retired miners have not yet received their benefits additional to the State redundancy pay, which they should get within two weeks. The new Coal Bill at present going through Parliament is expected to deal with the additional entitlements.

When the surface workers leave at Whitsuntide the Colliery will officially close. A skeleton staff will stay to work the one remaining coal face, but will approach it via the Cadeby shaft. The Denaby N.U.M. Branch will be dissolved with the closure.