Opening of a Mission Chapel by the Dean of York


Jan 2nd Sheffield Independant

Opening of a Mission Chapel by the Dean of York

In the district of Denaby Main, there are palpable evidences of ecclesiastical energy. The Denaby Main Coal company have made the neighbourhood surrounding their mine very populous by having erected substantial roles of cottages for their employees; and what was very few years ago a great space of general waste land is now occupied by a busy and thriving class of people.

This district is really in the township of Mexborough, in which the reverent Henry Ellershaw is the vicar, but it is, at the same time, a separate ecclesiastical district, in as much as the greater part of the land their is owned by the well known and highly respected family of the Fullerton’s, who appointed the reverent F.W Beynon some 10 months ago, curate in charge.

The energy which Mr Beynon desired to exercise for the spiritual welfare of those around him was, he at first found, too much contracted, and he took upon himself the arduous task of establishing a mission Chapel in the neighbourhood of Denaby Main Colliery, so that the spiritual once of the inhabitants might be attended to.

This undertaking has so far been completed, after 10 months incessant hard work, as to be in a fit state for inauguration on the first day of the New Year. With respect to the building, which is now dedicated to St John the Baptist, it may be mentioned in the first place that it is not a new structure, but a building which have been renovated in such a manner as to render it most suitable to the purpose for which it is adapted.

At 11 o’clock yesterday morning divine choral service was performed in the mission Chapel of St John the Baptist for the first time, and the sermon was preached by the honourable and very Reverent A.Duncombe, D.D.., Dean of York. The congregation was very numerous.

In the course of the Reverent Dean’s discourse he reminded his hearers of the close of another year, and the advent of the New Year, and warmly exhortedthose whowere not hitherto devoted their attention to the future now to strive to eschew the evil and choose the good.

The prayers were intoned by the Reverent Henry Ellershaw and there were also present the

Revs. F.W. Beynon; Surtees, Rector of Sprotborough; Henry Cordeaux, Kilnhurst; A.Fullerton, Thrybergh: F.Terry, Hickleton; and A.Nares, curate of St John’s, Masborough.

Mr Edward Barker, presided at the harmonium. The choral part of the service was performed by the Mexborough church choir. At the conclusion of the morning services luncheon was provided in the schoolroom connected with the mission Chapel, the vicar of Mexborough being at the head of the table.

A public tea was provided at five o’clock, to which a goodly number sat there, after which evening service was held in the mission Chapel. Collections were made at each service in aid of the building fund and other expenses of starting the mission.

In addition to the great Evangelical work, which had which has been undertaken in this district by the Reverent Mr Benyon, that gentleman has set on foot a Penny savings bank, which is now being successfully conducted by himself and the officials of the Denaby main colliery.