Mexborough and Swinton Times, September 13.
Opening of a New Organ at Denaby Main Parish Church.
Yesterday (Thursday) afternoon the dedication services in connection with the new organ, recently erected in the Parish Church at Denaby Main, as a memorial to the late E.P. Pope Esq took place, the Lord Bishop of Beverly being the preacher.
After the processional hymn, dedicatory prayers, etc the choir creditably rendered the anthem , “Like a father,” (Hatton), the bass solo in which was ably taken by Mr W.H.Chambers.
After the offertory had been taken, the choir sang the chorus, “Gloria,” from Mozart´s 12th Mass.
The Lord Bishop of Beverly selected for his text the 29th chapter of first Chronicles, and part of the fifth verse: ” who then is willing to consecrate his services this day with the Lord ?
The reverent gentleman prefaced his remarks on the text taken by congratulating the Denaby friends on the further step that taken in connection with the furnishing of their parish church with such a beautiful organ. He (the Bishop) took great interest in the welfare of their district and York. The organ would be for the spiritual welfare of the people. The cost of the instrument he was informed have been subscribed to by about 600 different people and this proves the people took a lively interest in the matter. The reverent gentleman then proceeded to give a short and appropriate address on the subject of his text.
The reverent gentleman went on to say that the point. He wished to impress upon all was the intense zeal and earnestness Shaun by David in this work. Just as David and no eye merely to his own glory or honour, but the glory of God, so should we engage in the work of God with a like spirit. They should always ask themselves in whatever work came before them would God be honoured or dishonoured in the doing of it. It was their duty to do all to the glory of God.
A Harrison, Esq, of Durham, after the ordinary service, gave an organ recital, the old program being given in a most effective manner. The great treat of the plane was certain reserve for the evening, when H.W.Fricker, Esq, organist to the City of Leeds Corporation and for the great Leeds Musical Festival 1901, gave a magnificent recital.
The opening selection was Adagio and Allegro in D minor, and D major, from Haydn´s Symphony in D number two. This piece was played in such grand style that all who heard it could not but that knowledge that a truly “master and,” was at work on the instrument, such as one as is very rarely, if ever, heard in this district.
This was followed by Idylle (“Evening Rest,” by Merkel) and a Bach Fugue in G minor, and many others
Too much praise cannot possibly be given to Mr Fricker, the organist, for his playing was simply perfection, that any local organist who did not hear him missed a treat like of which very seldom occurs in this district.
We are glad to say there was a very large and appreciative congregation. We trust the proceeds will be sufficient to wipe off the remaining debt upon the instrument, amounting to about £40.
We heartily congratulate our Denaby friends on being the happy possessors of one of the best, if not the best, organ in the district