Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Wednesday 05 May 1920
Orders against Miners For Strike Relief.
A number of miners were summoned at Doncaster, yesterday, for the recovery of relief granted by the Guardians during the Miners’ strike.
Thomas Carroll, Highgate, received £1 1s 6d. and his earnings had been £5 7s. 11d., £5 19s. 2d. and £4 8s. 8d. An order was made to pay forthwith.
James Bullcroft, Denaby, who received 16s. 6d. in relief had repaid 3s., and his average earnings were £3 15s. 1d, He was ordered to pay 2s. a week.
An order to pay forthwith was made against William Bell, Cadeby, who had received £1. 13s. 6d. and repaid 3s., his earnings being £5 1s. 3d. He also secures a pension of 15s. 2d.
A similar order was made against George Bradley, Denaby, whose earnings were £3 14s. 6d., and he had received £1 5s. 6d. in relief.
George Bond, dataller. Denaby received a grant of 20s and had been earning £3 4s. 5d. He has a wife aid three children and said that some days he was too ill to work. He was ordered to pay 3s. a week.
An order to pay 3s. a week was made against William Kershaw of Mexbro’, who received a grant of £1 13s. 6d., and earned £3 10s.