Out In Korea – Conisbrough Gunner Moving to the Front

November 1950

South Yorkshire Times, November 11, 1950

Out In Korea

Conisbrough Gunner Moving to the Front

On his way to the front In Korea, where he landed this week, is Gunner Clifford Bailey, (29), of Conisbrough, now with the Royal Artillery Field Regiment. A reservist, Cliff was told to report to Woolwich in August—at 24 hours’ notice. August 17th was a crowded day for him, since he had to collect his cards from Denaby Main Colliery, pack, and say ‘goodbye’ to his wife, child and parents.

Cliff joined the R.A. in 1941, as a “regular,” with seven years in the forces and five on the reserve list. He spent two and a half years in Gibraltar, and then transferred to the Palestinian Police. His three years out there counted as Army service, and when he came home in May, 1947, he had still some months to go before his seven years were up.

He has been working at Denaby Main as a contractor.

He sailed in October, in the “Empress of Australia” from Liverpool. His wife, Connie, was able to follow his journey, since she received three letters from every port he touched—Port Said, Aden, Colombo and Singapore. His next letter home should be telling her and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bailey, of 22, The Crescent, Conanby, something of Korea.

Also left behind is 14-weeks-old baby Linda. He only saw her three days before he received his call-up papers, and on his embarkation leave at the end of August.