Out Of Favour

May 1970

South Yorkshire Times, May 2nd 1970

Out Of Favour

The Vicar of Conisbrough has expressed disappointment at the decline in attendances at Church and Sunday School in the past year. In his annual report, the Vicar states: “We have raised a lot of money, and have spent a lot too, but success cannot be measured in pounds, shillings and pence.  What has happened to our congregation and Sunday Schools?”

Canon Braithwaite points an accusing finger at the secular tendency of this wretched materialistic age we live in where everybody wants something for nothing and plenty of fun.” “The fact that all parishes are suffering in the same way is no comfort. The Church is out of favour all round – because it asks people to do something rather than sit back and wait for it to happen.”

Canon Braithwaite praised his helpers for their cheerful and good-humoured manner in tackling the hard work of the parish and adds: “We must fight against an irreligious trend. I am sure I shall have the backing of all those to whom I am so grateful: Miss Smith, wardens, church officers, choir, teachers and helpers. A parish this size is not a one-man job and we shall face the challenge of the times together.”