Over-Zealous Denaby Boy Killed on Eve of Enlistment.

February 1928

Mexborough and Swinton Times, February 24, 1928

Denaby Boy Killed on Eve of Enlistment.

Cadeby Accident.

An inquest was held at, the Fullerton Hospital Denaby, on Monday into the, death of Albert Edward Ackroyd, aged 17, a screen hand, who died on Friday in the hospital following injuries received on the previous day at the Cadeby Colliery.

Mr R. Young represented the Colliery Company, and Mr. H. M. Scott H.M. inspector of Mines, was also present.

Albert Ackroyd, a blacksmith’s striker, of 27, Rossington Street, Denaby, identified the body ae that of his son, who would have joined the Air Force on the day following that on which he died.

Harry Haggar, a screen hand, of Low Road, Conisborough, said that on Thursday, about 9.30 a.m., he was working at the No. 1 shaft of the Cadeby pit with Ackroyd. Witness was working the “tippler” and Ackroyd was lowering tubs. Five tubs of dirt came out on one draw. Ackroyd took away the “dick” which was a long one and went across both lines. He lowered one tub and put a short “dick “to hold the other tubs. Ackroyd lowered the tub to the “tippler,” and stayed .to help ‘witness.

Whilst they were slipping the tub down -witness (heard the other tubs moving, and as he jumped out of the way, he shouted and told Ackroyd to do the same. The tub caught Ackroyd and crushed him between the ‘” tipplers.”

Witness summoned help and Ackroyd was taken to hospital. The short “dick” which Ackroyd used was about 10 inches long and only went across one rail. It had to be held in position. Witness said that they generally used a short “dick” in order to keep the pit going. They never used a “locker at that place, only short and long “dicks.” Witness had never known a short one give way before. It was witness’s job to manage the tippler himself, but they generally helped one another.’

Haggar said that Ackroyd: was not unconscious, but he-told Witness “ to look sharp,” when they were getting him out stop

Mr Scott: How many times have you known tubs run into the tippler previously? – About two or three times in a year.

What was the cause of the tubs running away? – The dick slipping off.

Can you say why he did not use a long “dick”? – No. We use a short “dick” because it is quicker.

When you have a lot of tubs there you get them away quicker?—Yes; that’s it.

Mr Young said that the accident would not occur again. They would have a machinist or which would only allow one tub to go down at a time. The lad had been overzealous

Jim Hancock, a surface forming of 82 Doncaster Rd, Conisbrough, said that when they put lockers in the tubs on that road, they were inclined to slip down. “Dicks” were the safest and best. He long “Dicks” should be used for holding the tubs and the short ones for lowering the tubs and gradually.

A verdict of “Accidental death” was recorded and sympathy fully expressed by Mr Young.