Painful Death of Denaby Schoolboy.

November 1896

Mexborough and Swinton Times November 27, 1896

Painful Death of Denaby Schoolboy.

A melancholy ending, the result of a simple accident received in the school playground at the new schools, then the domain, has, unfortunately befallen a youth of about nine years of age named Thompson Butler, the son of Mr. James Butler, residing in Denaby Main, Denaby, an employee at the Cadeby Main colliery.

The affair happened on Friday week, through being crushed against the school wall by some of his fellow scholars, whilst at play.

It seems, from what we can be as certain as to the circumstances. That two boys were riding each other whilst Butler was standing near and was quite accidentally knocked against the wall, and his ribs severely injured.

He had been under the case and treatment of Dr Gillchrist, assistant to Dr. McCall, of Conisborough but, inflammation setting in, he died on Tuesday last from pneumonia, we understand that the youths causing the accident are entirely free from blame, as it was purely accidental, and the fact being such no inquest will be held.