Painful Event – Husband and Wife Die Within Few Hours Of Each Other.

September 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 26 September 1902

Painful Event at Denaby

Husband and Wife Die Within a Few Hours Of Each Other.

On Saturday morning last, Mrs M.A. Cramp, of Denaby, died, after an illness that had lasted two or three years.

Deceased was well known and respected in the district, and the news of her demise was followed soon afterwards by the sudden death of her husband, James Cramp, who died on Sunday, from a fit of apoplexy, induced by the shock caused by his wife’s death.

Mr Cramp was 60 years old, and had been an official of the Denaby Colliery Company for 30 years, and during that time yet security high esteem of the employees of the colliery and others visible come in contact.

The news of the two deaths caused a painful sensation in the village.

The deceased were both buried in the Mexborough Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, there being a large attendance of mourners