Parish Affairs – Streets in Utter Darkness

October 1886

Mexborough and Swinton Times October 29, 1886

Parish Affairs

Some dissatisfaction continues to exist in the village with respect to the inadequate provision made for the comfort of the parishioners with respect to the footpaths, street lighting etc by the Doncaster Rural Sanitary Authority.

Despite the parish meeting recently held in the village and the suggestion forwarded therefrom the authority, the streets, so far this winter, have been in utter darkness, the temporary arrangements made by several leading private residence for lighting the Station road expiring last winter, having continued much the advantage of the villagers for the past seven years, whilst the footpaths are so narrow and dangerous that prudent people scarcely dare venture far from their doors on a dark winter evening.

How long this condition of affairs will continue it is impossible to say, and it is not unlikely that if something is not done soon the villagers will find themselves compelled to draw to the other extreme of establishing a Local Border Held, notwithstanding the preliminary expense and heavier rates which would attend such a step, as with the present condition of affairs the majority of the parishioners are anything but satisfied.