Parking For 300 Cars Is The Aim

December 1965

South Yorkshire Times, December 25, 1965

Parking For 300 Cars Is The Aim.

Car parking schemes under consideration for Conisbrough would allow over 300 cars to park near the town centre.

Although there is no single re-development plan for the town centre, certain sites have been earmarked as probable car parks, Mr. R. M. Clark, the Council’s Engineer and Surveyor, told the ‘South Yorkshire Times’.

The first to be completed is likely to be on part of the Church School playground off Church Street, which could cater for 26 cars said Mr. Clark.

Redevelopment of the town centre is making steady progress and at least two development companies are involved in projects. ‘We are pleased that developers are showing willingness to get on with building’, said Mr. Clark.


He added, ‘The Council is not going in for compulsory purchase, as in some towns. We are leaving the development to the individual and the development companies.’

The policy seems to be a success and the danger of monopoly by a single company has not arisen. With a number of companies involved, rents are likely to be more competitive.

Among the projects is a scheme for five shop units on the Church Street-Elm Green Lane Corner and considerable shopping development in the Morley Place area.

The closure of Morley Place School, scheduled for 1970, could make available another site for development.