Pay Check Stolen At Denaby

February 1909

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Tuesday 02 February 1909

Pay Check Stolen At Denaby

George Coleman, pony driver, Denaby was fined 40s., including costs, at the West Riding Court, Doncaster, yesterday, for stealing a pay check value 15s. 11d., belonging to Samuel Wagstaff, pony driver, at Denaby Main.

Complainant going to work on Saturday morning hung his jacket and vest and shirt up. He had a metal pay check in his pocket which he had received on Monday valued 15s. 11d., and missed it at one o clock when he was going to draw the money. He reported his loss to the colliery official and the pay clerk noticed the check being presented by the defendant immediately afterwards.

When charged with the theft, defendant said ”A lad gave it to me. I did not steal it.”

In default of paying, defendant went to prison for 14 days